
Cell Reprogramming-based Therapies for Cancer

Cancer cell reprogramming is one of the promising strategies to restore normal cell functions from various malignant tumors. Creative Bioarray focuses on cancer cell reprogramming development and helps clients optimize reprogramming protocols to achieve high specificity, efficiency, and safety. Our specialized cell reprogramming technologies will provide valuable and powerful research tools for biomedical science.


The research group that proposed the concept of cell plasticity showed that terminally differentiated somatic cells can be reprogrammed to other lineages. Considering that cancer cells are epigenetically and genetically plastic, restoring benign cellular functions of cancer cells through re-expressing lineage-specific genes may be a viable strategy for cancer treatment. In the past few years, several studies have reported advances in reprogramming terminally differentiated somatic and cancer cells into iPSCs and cancer cells with benign phenotypes, demonstrating that cancer cell reprogramming has become a promising method to induce the conversion of cancer cells from malignant to benign.

Cancer cell reprogramming can be achieved through multiple approaches, including the combined delivery of lineage-specific TFs, microRNAs, small molecules, and exosomes. These reprogramming strategies have been proved by several research groups to be technically feasible and versatile to reactivate segregated epigenetic regions and thereby drive fate decisions in differentiated cells. Currently, such reprogramming is only feasible in a laboratory setting. Therefore, optimizing cancer cell reprogramming is critical to enable the safe, specific and effective use of this strategy for clinical treatment.

Fig 1. Emerging therapeutic strategies against primary cancer.Fig.1 Emerging therapeutic strategies against primary cancer. (Gong, 2019)

Development of New Therapies for Cancer based on Cell Reprogramming

Researchers at Creative Bioarray are dedicated to helping our clients develop cell reprogramming-based cancer therapies. And we use the versatility of iPSC to mimic human cancers in vitro to screen for effective therapies. We offer our clients the following solutions:

  • We offer various efficient strategies to help our clients reprogram cancer cells into benign cells, including TFs, small molecules, microRNA and exosome-mediated reprogramming of cancer cells.
  • We provide our clients with scientific and rational solutions for characterizing reprogramming mechanisms, improving reprogramming efficiency and safety, and developing delivery methods.


  • Study on cancer heterogeneity and niches
  • Research on the mechanisms of cancer initiation and progression
  • Screening of compounds as therapeutic or re-differentiating agents


  • State-of-the-art facilities
  • Fully developed and improved cell reprogramming strategies
  • Fast and traceable services
  • Quickstart to your project after contract signing

Creative Bioarray provides comprehensive and specialized scientific services in the field of cell reprogramming to help clients develop cell reprogramming-based cancer therapies. In addition, we provide reliable in vitro disease models of cancer to validate the effectiveness of therapies. If you are interested in our solutions, please contact us.


  1. Gong, L.; et al. Cancer cell reprogramming: a promising therapy converting malignancy to benignity. Cancer Communications. 2019, 39(1): 1-13.
For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.